Zuzanna Mikołajczyk

Commercial and Marketing Director, Board Member, Mikomax Smart Office

Zuzanna Mikołajczyk is the Commercial-Marketing Director and a Board Member of Mikomax Smart Office, a company that specializes in workplace optimization and leading such projects focusing on workplace optimization in offices such as EY, Qatar Airways and the National Bank of Poland, among others.

She is an expert on the propagation and implementation of the idea of leadership in workplace in accordance with regulations of New Ways of Working. She is member of New Ways of Working and International Facility Management Association.

Zuzana carries out office efficiency examinations for various companies and is the initiator of a research project that gathers opinions of Polish and Romanian shared services centers employees. She is a graduate of ESADE (Spain) and SDA Bocconi (Italy) with a degree in Executive Master in Marketing and Sales.

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