23 June 2017
This year’s 8th edition of the ABSL Conference, centred on innovations and modern trends which mark out directions of business development in the future, successfully took place in Łódź gathering as much as 1,100 participants connected with the business service sector – high-level managers, representatives of the national and local government agencies, analysts, opinion leaders. Łódź – as the Host City - is an excellent example of the fact that modern technologies and experience related to them support what’s most important - that is human relationships. It is the relationships and values that enable us to be inspired while building better future through cooperation of people, benefiting from modern technologies at the same time. Thanks to the fact that Łódź has experience in using these two aspects, we can propose changes, forerun trends.
According to the most recent edition of the report “Business Services Sector in Poland 2017” that was presented during the conference, Łódź is in the top seven cities in which as much as 85% of those employed in the sector work. According to estimations the number of employees in the sector amounts to 18,100 and there are currently as many as 73 centres. The city specializes most of all in providing financial and accountancy services. The commitment of the City authorities was also appreciated in the report. For the second time in a row the companies that are active in the branch evaluated cooperation with the authorities of Łódź the best in Poland. Łódź is undoubtedly an interesting, dynamic place which undergoes metamorphosis, a place in which personnel for business and business for personnel is created. The needs and expectancies of employers are the priority for the city, and the good cooperation with the business is a key to success.
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