Agnieszka Jackowska has over 13 years of leadership experience in outsourcing and shared services. In 2003, after working a few years in the manufacturing and banking industry, she joined the project team responsible for setting up Philips Shared Services Center in Lodz, Poland and in 2007 played the key role in transition of Philips SSC to Infosys BPO. Since 2010, Agnieszka Jackowska has been Regional Center Head Infosys Poland, the largest Infosys Ltd. location outside India, and since 2014 - Associate Vice President, Infosys Ltd. She is responsible for building and executing business strategy of the center, implementation of LEAN strategy in the first Infosys Delivery Center and managing client portfolio which consists of 25 global brands – leaders of their sectors, i.e. mining sector, FMCG, and tech industry.
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